I stopped checking my email, and this is what happened
I used to feel chained to my email.
It wasn’t anyone else’s fault. I was the one keeping my inbox open all day, jumping to reply every time a notification popped up.
I felt on call 24/7. It made me resentful, distracted, and exhausted. And the worst part? I accidentally taught my clients to expect instant replies, creating a cycle where they relied on me for things they could figure out themselves.
Here’s what changed:
Now, I check my email just twice a day - once in the morning, once in the afternoon.
I’ve set clear response times and office hours, so my clients know exactly when they’ll hear back from me.
I’ve turned off notifications, and I never feel on call anymore.
The result?
I have way more freedom.
I get more done in less time, without distractions.
I can easily spot what’s urgent and what can wait.
I have more time to grow my business and serve my clients.
I’m less stressed and more fun to work with.
And the most surprising part?
Many of my clients felt RELIEVED when I made this change.
When I was replying at all hours, they felt they had to respond just as quickly.
Boundaries helped us BOTH.
If you’re feeling chained to your inbox, try setting some email boundaries - and enjoy your freedom!
And if you’d like to learn some other business-boosting boundaries, come find me on Instagram and I'll send you the link to my free resource that will help you create more balance in your biz!