I kissed my To Do list goodbye last year. Now I get more done in 1/3 of the time. Here's how...
To-do lists can feel endless and overwhelming. I hate them.
So I don’t use them anymore, and now I get much more done in way less time, with no more burnout.
Last year I ditched my to do list and started using my digital calendar to time-block tasks as I received them. This simple shift has transformed the way I manage my workload and gives me so much more control over my time.
Time-blocking my to dos lets me see at a glance when my week is full, so I don’t overload myself.
If my calendar is packed, it’s easier to say no or waitlist new requests because I can visually see that I simply don’t have time for more.
When I block out tasks on my calendar, I can also see at a glance how my time is spent - how much of my week is spent on client work vs tasks that grow my own business. This helps me create a better balance between serving my clients and building my own future.
Time-blocking also makes it easier to prioritise my personal life and self care. When I schedule life stuff - especially the fun things - into my calendar first, my business tasks fit around my life rather than making me sacrifice the things that bring me joy and help me rest & recharge.
Another big benefit is increased focus. By dedicating specific time slots to each task, I’ve been able to reduce decision fatigue and say goodbye to multitasking. When it’s time to work on a task, I know exactly what to focus on and I’m so much more productive.
It helps me with accountability too - when I schedule tasks, it’s like I’m committing to completing them within that timeframe. Much less procrastinating!
And it’s still flexible, I can move my time blocks around in my calendar as I need to.
If you’re ready to ditch your to-do list and actually get more done, start blocking time in your digital calendar too!
I’ve got a step by step on how to set it up in my Time Saving Templates pack.
Come find me on Instagram and I'll send you the link.