How to stop ghosting your email list when you're busy

How to stop ghosting your email list when you're busy

Been ghosting your email list because you’ve got too much other stuff on?

Let’s fix that so you can show up consistently, sell your offers and scale easily.

Keep It Simple

You don’t need to write an essay. A quick tip, a story, or even a question is enough to keep the connection going.

Reconnect Authentically

Been quiet for a while? No need to make a big deal of it. Simply say, “It’s been a minute! Here’s what I’ve been up to and a tip I think you’ll love.”

Focus on Connection, Not Perfection

Your subscribers don’t need polished perfection, they want YOU. Share what’s on your mind, what you’ve learned, or something that can help them today.

Make It a Habit

Schedule time to write your emails weekly (even just 15 minutes for a short one). The more you show up, the easier it gets.

Your email list wants to hear from you. Start small, be consistent, and watch how the connection - and business - grows!

BTW if you’re looking to be less busy, use my Time Saving Templates for Business Owners Who Want More Freedom - come find me on Instagram and I’ll send you the link!

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