9 tips to make more money on social media

9 tips to make more money on social media

Want to make more money with socials?

  1. Focus on selling 1 signature paid offer

  2. Get comfortable talking about it over and over again

  3. Write content that inspires, educates and motivates

  4. Show your face at least once ever 3 posts / Reels

  5. Post daily - it feels like a lot now but once you get used to 1 post or Reel each day, it will feel like nothing (and then you can move up to 2!)

  6. Don’t stress about followers, focus on engagement

  7. Share your paid offer at least 3 times a week

  8. Don’t offer a freebie unless there’s an upsell or nurture sequence attached to it

  9. Don’t quit. Stick with it for 30 days. Then 90 days. Then a year. Momentum takes time to build, but once that ball is rolling? It picks up speed FAST.

Come find me on Instagram and let me know which tip was the one YOU needed to hear today.

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