6 things you shouldn't worry about as a business owner

6 things you shouldn't worry about as a business owner

Running a business comes with a lot of noise, but not everything deserves your energy. Here are a few things you can STOP stressing over:

  1. People unsubscribing from your email list – They weren’t your ideal clients anyway. The right people will stay.

  2. Potential clients saying your prices are too high – Your pricing isn’t for everyone. The people who see the value won’t think “I can’t afford this”, they’ll think “HOW can I afford this?”

  3. Competitors copying your content – They can take the words, but they can’t take your voice, your experience, your specific results, or your unique way of doing things.

  4. People ghosting you after showing interest – If they wanted to work with you, they would. The right clients don’t need chasing.

  5. Friends and family not supporting your business – They don’t need to get it. Your vision is for you to create.

  6. Other people doubting your business choices – Your success doesn’t rely on their approval. Stay in your lane and keep going.

The less you worry about things outside of your control, the more energy you have to focus on what actually moves your business forward!

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